Avis de décès

牟耘 Yun Mou

24 décembre 196628 avril 2024
Nécrologie de 牟耘 Yun Mou
Dr. Yun Mou, a former IBM software engineer and a dedicated contributor to the Chinese community in Tucson, passed away peacefully on April 28, 2024. Yun was born on December 1966 in Jingzhou City, Hubei Province, China. She studied at Shashi No. 3 High School. In 1984, Yun’s excellent academic achievements granted her admission to the prestigious Peking University. In 1988, as a top student, she was admitted directly into the master’s program at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. After graduation, she stayed as an assistant researcher in the field of dinosaur egg fossils. 原IBM软件工程师,图桑华人社区的积极奉献者牟耘女士于2024年4月28日在医院平静去逝。牟耘1966年12月出生于湖北省荆州市。高中就读于沙市三中,1984年以优异成绩考入北京大学,1988年再以优异成绩保送为中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所硕士研究生,毕业后留所任助理研究员从事恐龙蛋化石的研究工作。 In 1994, Yun was admitted as a doctoral candidate in the Department of Geosciences at the University of Arizona. She successfully obtained her PhD in 1999. In the same year, she entered the Department of Computer Science at the University of Arizona and obtained a master's degree in computer science. In 2001, she became an IBM software engineer. At IBM, she did an outstanding job, won many awards and promotions, and obtained many patents. Outside of work, Yun loved literature and dance and participated in many community activities. She performed in many Spring Festival Celebrations at UA Centennial Hall and community charity activities. She once served as the leader of the Tucson Sino Dance Troupe and made significant contributions to the Chinese community. Yun began to participate in the activities of the Chinese Christian Church in 1999. In 2012, she was baptized and became a member of the Tucson Chinese Christian Church. After she fell ill in 2010, she bravely fought against the disease, maintained a positive attitude, educated her children, traveled the world, studied cooking, read literary works, wrote poetry and essays, connected with friends, maintained a colorful life, and continued her dedication to the community. We will forever miss this incredible mom, wife and friend. Dr. Yun Mou survived by her husband Charles, son Eric, daughter Rachel, father Qifang Mou, brother Xin Mou. 1994年牟耘被录取为亚利桑那大学地学系博士研究生,1999年取得博士学位。同年她又进入亚利桑那大学计算机系学习,2001年取得计算机硕士学位,并获聘为IBM软件工程师。在IBM工作期间,工作出色,多次获奖并晋升,取得多项专利。工作之外,牟耘热爱文学和舞蹈,积极参加社区活动,多次参加亚利桑那大学世纪厅的春节演出以及社区的义演活动,曾担任图桑华姿舞蹈团的团长,为华人社区做出了杰出贡献。1999年起牟耘开始参加华人基督教会的活动,2012年受洗成为图桑华人基督教会成员。2010年她患病后,勇敢地与疾病作斗争,积极治疗,保持乐观的心态,教育子女,外出旅游,研究烹饪,阅读文学作品,进行文学写作,与朋友交往,保持着丰富多彩的生活,继续着对社区的奉献。我们将永远怀念这位慈爱的母亲,贤惠的妻子,真诚的朋友。 牟耘女士的先生郑朝阳,儿子郑瑞康,女儿郑瑞乔, 父亲牟奇方,弟弟牟欣诚挚感谢所有朋友多年来对牟耘女士的关心和帮助! Memorial service will be held on May 11 at 9:00 am at Tucson Chinese Christian Church.

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