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Janet (David) DieballDaughter

Mary Ann (Steve) WoodardDaughter

Donna (Ronald) LarsonDaughter

Kathryn (Paul) DuBoisDaughter

Richard (Lori) OsepchukSon

Matthew DieballGrandchild

Ryan (Alaina) WoodardGrandchild

Kimberly (Trevor) MischikGrandchild

Erik (Sheila) LarsonGrandchild

Bethany NeumanGrandchild

James NeumanGrandchild

Gary (Cassie) OsepchukGrandchild

Kendra (Tyler) SosaGrandchild

Ava, Kaleo, Coen, Mabel, Elias, Edward, & AdamGreat Grandchildren

Henrietta MarchantSister

Gloria JeanSister

Along with many nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by her beloved husband, George Osepchuk, her parents, Joseph and Anna Syrowik, 7 siblings, and her son in law Robert Neuman.


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