Nos gustaría agradecer a todos por visitar el website de Ciro. Esperamos ver a todos los que puedan venir este viernes y sábado para celebrar su vida. Nuestro papi y abuelo siempre donaban a diferentes organizaciones de niños cada año. El deseo de el fue que si querías enviar flores, en su lugar, donar a una organización de niños en su nombre. We would love to thank everyone for visiting Ciro's site. We look forward to seeing everyone that can make it this Friday and Saturday as we celebrate his life. Our papi and abuelo always donated to different children organizations every year. His wishes were that if anyone wanted to send flowers, to donate to a children's organization instead on his behalf. See links below to a few he has donated to. He was big on St. Jude so we set up a page on his behalf. http://giftfunds.stjude.org/cirogarcia Save the Children https://support.savethechildren.org/site/Donation2?df_id=1620&1620.donation=form1 Make A Wish https://secure2.wish.org/site/SPageServer?pagename=donate_now&chid=100-000 Prevent Child Abuse https://preventchildabuse.org/donation/ Autism https://secure.everyaction.com/ynTHgQUB402qwetMAwHjwA2

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