Benny DunlapHusband

Spike DunlapSon

Becca DunlapDaughter-in-law

Andene SailorsDaughter

Terry SailorsSon-in-law

Allene MorrisSister

Melinda MyersSister

Jacob SailorsGrandson

Dorothy SailorsGrand-daughter-in-law

Trevor SailorsGrandson

Mattie SailorsGrand-daughter-in-law

Nathan SailorsGrandson

Taryn SailorsGrand-daughter-in-law

Jordan DunlapGrandchild

Emily SmythGranddaughter

Corey SmythGrandson-in-law

Drew DunlapGrandchild

David SailorsGreat Grandchild

Benjamin SailorsGreat Grandchild

Cora SailorsGreat Grandchild

Sohnia EwingNiece

Cindy BirdNiece

Nonie KnightNiece

Rusty DarterNephew

Anonie was preceded in death by her parents C.B. Hightower and Gertrude McKinney Hightower and two sisters. She leaves behind a host of family and friends and her beloved dog, Tia, to cherish her memory.


Jacob SailorsActive Pallbearer

Trevor SailorsActive Pallbearer

Nathan SailorsActive Pallbearer

Drew DunlapActive Pallbearer

Corey SmythActive Pallbearer

JP HrbacekActive Pallbearer

Jordan DunlapHonorary Pallbearer

Emily SmythHonorary Pallbearer


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