When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me
I want no rites in a gloom-filled room,
Why cry for a soul set free?
Miss me a little but not too long,
And not with your head bowed low,
Remember the love that we once shared.
Miss me, but let me go.
For this is a journey that we all must take,
And each must go alone.
It’s all a part of the master plan
A step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick of heart,
Go to the friends we know,
And bury your sorrow in doing good deeds,
Miss me, but let me go.
In Loving Memory
Martina Vinoya Espinosa
May 18, 1931 to October 30, 2013
Visitation Tuesday
Little Chapel of the Roses
Bonita, California
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
5:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Visitation Wednesday
Little Chapel of the Roses
Bonita, California
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
5:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Recitation of the Rosary will be at 7:00 PM
Catholic Funeral Mass
Saint Pius X Catholic Church
Chula Vista, California
Thursday, November 7, 2013 at 9:00 AM
La Vista Memorial Park
National City, California
Thursday, November 7, 2013
--- Share a Memory ---
Please join us in remembering
Martina Vinoya Espinosa
by visiting our Memorial at
Through this site, we invite you
to share your thoughts and fond
memories with our family.
This biography may be viewed at www.mem.com
or www.GlenAbbeysandiego.com, and
once you have created your member
account for your loved one’s life story at
www.mem.com/members, you will have
the ability to add to or edit its content.
You may also email a digital file of the
biography or copy the file to a CD and drop
it off at Glen Abbey’s MEM Dept., and we
will upload it to your loved one’s Memorial.