Elizabeth CaraballoMother

José ReyesFather

José Reyes JrBrother

Ydelmarie ReyesSister

Kaden TorresSister

Kailani TorresSister

Jaden TorresBrother

Maria SantanaGrandmother

Ydelma ReyesGrandmother

Ydalis ReyesAunt

Steven ReyesUncle

José CaraballoUncle

Luis SantanaUncle

Emily ColladoAunt

brother of Jose E. Reyes Jr., Ydelmarie Reyes, Kaden Torres, Kailani Torres, and Jaden Torres, dearest grandson of Maria Santana and Ydelma Reyes, loving nephew of Ydalis Reyes, Steven Reyes, Jose Caraballo, Luis Santana, and Emilly Collado, and dear cousin.


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