The late Arthur and Anne (Panyon) SpringerParents

Shelly (Darrin) MeadeDaughter

Kimberly (Richard) FreebergDaughter

Linda (Paul) ZebrowskiDaughter

The late Allan (Christina) SzczesniakSon

Alfred SzczesniakFormer Husband

The late Harry RepineHusband

Breanna (Ryan) GleesingGrandchild

Alyssa (Justin) ClarkGrandchild

Shelby (Brandon) KelmGrandchild

Allan Szczesniak Jr.Grandchild

Natalie MeadeGrandchild

Mackenna FreebergGrandchild

Riley MeadeGrandchild

Cole FreebergGrandchild

Carson FreebergGrandchild

Joshua ZebrowskiGrandchild

Marx and Maddox GleesingGreat Grandchildren

Rosalie MichalakSister

Karl SpringerBrother

Madolyn (Robert) KacpuraTwin Sister

And her many nieces and nephews.


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