Gary (Judy) ShultsSon

Sharon (John) DrakeDaughter

Elwyn (Jane) CallowayBrother

Isaac (Ellen) Shults, Joel (Jessica) Shults, Will (Mallory) Drake, Jake Drake and Chad (Leigh) LeopardGrandsons

Max, Rand and Margaret Shults, Ruby Shults, Judah and Asher Drake, Ann, Virginia, Cal and Jane LeopardGreat Grandchildren

_______ Preceded in Death By________

Robert C. and Eva Mae Crutchfield CallowayParents (deceased)

Joseph ShultsHusband (deceased)

J.W., Robert Clarence, Raymond. Herbert, Chester, Lester and Earl CallowayBrothers (deceased)

Ottomese Griffin, Magdalene England, Margaret Hill, Roberta Smith, Helon Bone and Elizabeth DensonSisters (deceased)


Sammy Calloway

Steve Cooley

Elijah Garrison

Hugh Harris

Jimmy Moore

Jim Osborne

Randy Calloway, Honorary


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