Lee Ripperton and Mildred Dostal RippertonParents (deceased)

Philip CaldwellHusband (deceased)

Joy (John) HuffmanDaughter

Michael CaldwellSon

Beth (John) WeberDaughter

Linda (Daniel) PostDaughter

Kevin (Vicky) CaldwellSon

Scott (Carol) CaldwellSon

Craig (Randy) Caldwell-KrizanSon

Carl (Laura) RippertonBrother

Eloise also leaves fifteen grandchildren; numerous great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren; and her brother Carl (Laura) Ripperton. She was preceded in death by her husband, Philip; daughter-in-law Vicky Caldwell; her parents; her sisters Marion, Nadine, Patricia, Anna, Johnette, and Julia “Judy”.


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