James Henry and Verlie Stanton PateParents~deceased

Marjorie Goodson PateWife~deceased

Lewis James and Beth Rogers PateSon & Daughter-in-Law

Robert Carter and Angela Ward PateSon & Daughter-in-Law

Andrea and Sean Fletcher, Justin and Emily Pate, Chris and Lisa Pate and David and Cassie PateGrandchildren & Spouses

Carol Pate RobinsonSister~deceased

Connor, Owen and Jack Fletcher and Adelaide, Alexandra, Ainsley, Tyler, Andrew, Daniel and Harrison PateGreat Grandchildren


Master Connor FletcherHonorary

Master Owen FletcherHonorary

Mr. Sean Fletcher

Mr. Steve Kincaid

Mr. David Moore

Mr. Justin Pate

Mr. Chris Pate

Mr. David Pate


Alzheimer's Association or American Cancer Society

Ebenezer Lutheran Church310 South Tremont Drive, Greensboro, North Carolina 27403


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