Andrew FeuerbornBrother (deceased)

Merle FeuerbornFather

Alta FeuerbornMother

Diane Olinger FeuerbornMother of Marty's Children

Rachael Feuerborn (Luis)Daughter

Lauren Feuerborn (Bob)Daughter

Kara Feuerborn (Tyler)Daughter

Lindsay FeuerbornDaughter

Johanna FeuerbornDaughter

Melanie FeuerbornDaughter

Paul Feuerborn (Mike)Brother

Mike Feuerborn (Susan)Brother

John Feuerborn (Carly)Brother

Joe Feuerborn (Lisa)Brother

Pamela Hoover (Rob)Sister

Mary Mize (Mike)Sister

Anna Beckwith (Doug)Sister

Amy Cain (Jimmy)Sister

Sarah Harbaugh (Jim)Sister

He is also survived by more nieces and nephews than he could count, all of whom loved their Uncle Marty.


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