Her daughters Janet Wells of Englewood, FL., Dian Comer of Independent, MO., and Joan Pruett of Kimball, NE; 10 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, both husbands, step-daughter Sherry Lee Jelinek, granddaughter Tammy Seilder, two brothers Percy and Arthur Hammond and three son-in-laws Bill Wells, Russ Comer and Dale (Arkie) Pruett.


Tammy Wells-Seidler (dec.)Honorary Bearer

Christopher ComerHonorary Bearer

Julie DurganHonorary Bearer

Carrie BonnettHonorary Bearer

Tonya Wells-StreetHonorary Bearer

Billie June WellsHonorary Bearer

Ronald WellsHonorary Bearer

Rebecca Wells-ToddHonorary Bearer

Jimmie PruettHonorary Bearer

Betty SchulteHonorary Bearer


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