Sharon GhaddarDaughter

Darlene LoydDaughter

Misty ThomsonGrandchild

Charles ThomsonMisty's Husband

Darrell LoydGrandchild

Trisha LoydDarrell's Wife

Cheryl MedleyGrandchild

Jamil GhaddarGrandchild

Nadra GhaddarGrandchild

Nabil GhaddarGrandchild

Janan GhaddarGrandchild

Haley FullerGrandchild

Matthew LoydGreat Grandchild

Shelby LoydGreat Grandchild

Caden ThomsonGreat Grandchild

Courtney ThomsonGreat Grandchild

Troy FullerGreat Grandchild

Gracie LanceGreat Great Grandchild

Kyle LanceGreat Great Grandchild

Jerry and Norma LadenFriends

She is preceded in death by her parents and one daughter, Janis Hammond


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