Lana and Forrest LusterMother and Stepfather

Kenneth and Terry WaltonFather and Stepmother

Ericka Luster and Logan LusterSisters

Jason Smith and Forrest Luster IIBrothers

Grant SmithNephew

Ersia (Gannie) Wilson and Daisy (Mudear) WaltonGrandmothers

William (GranDad) WilsonGrandfather

Charlene (Aunt Cha Cha) and Thomas (Uncle Thomas) ColemanSpecial aunt and uncle

Mr. Curt (MC) StephensSpecial friend and mentor

Cloteal (Aunt Lo Lo) KellySpecial aunt

He also leaves number of relatives including aunts, uncles, great aunts, great uncles, cousins, as well as friends to cherish his memory.


Harding Academy Memphis

Human Society of Memphis & Shelby County


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