Jan LipfordWife

Tim Lipford (Karen)Son

Toby Pulliam (Michele)Stepson

Ashley Westmoreland (Jonathan)Stepddaughter

Jeremy Lipford (Jeanelle)Grandchild

Kelly Villarreal (Ben)Grandchild

Raegan PulliamGrandchild

Riley PulliamGrandchild

Johnson WestmorelandGrandchild

Nathan WestmorelandGrandchild

Victor WestmorelandGrandchild

Ruby Lu WestmorelandGrandchild

Riley LipfordGreat Granddaughter

He also leaves extended family and many dear friends who will miss him greatly. Ernie is preceded in death by his wife Peggy, parents Allie B. Lipford and Nellie Mae Lipford, brother Tommy Lipford and sister Peggy Fate.


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