Luz Elva RoblesWife

Sergio and wife Tara RoblesSon

RIcardo and wife Viviana RoblesSon

Alejandro and Wife Aglale RoblesSon

Modesto Robles Jr.Son

Manuela cadenaSister

Maria Elena GarciaSister

Jesusita and husband Alejandro LunaSister

Lorenzo and wife Jill RoblesBrother

Guadalupe and wife Benita RoblesBrother

Guadalupe RoblesFather (deceased)

Maria de la luz QuezadaMother (deceased)

Gaudalupe "Lupito" RoblesNephew (deceased)

Mr. Robles is also survived by seven grandchildren Naileah, Taylor, Davien, Carrie, Guadalupe, Alexis, and Boston.


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