First of all, my Granddaughter Janna and her son Zachary for their diligence and dedication to brightening my days. To Maria for her loving and caring assistance in the early stages, and to My Angels who were truly Angels, Sue and Faye. To Uyen, Amy, Kerry and the entire staff at Tiffin House, thank you for your caring compassionate attention to my every need during my time there, and to Guiding Hospice for your assistance in my final hours. To My Loving Husband Bill who has loved and cared for me without reservation for these past 76 years, I don’t know how you managed through these last few years.


Mike Dodd

Jason Wehring

Chance Leigh

Larry Burrows

Doug Morgan

Joe Cantrell


The Children’s Ministries at Crestview Baptist Church 2300 Williams Drive, Georgetown, Texas 78628


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