Nona and Johnnie LeeParents (deceased)

Charles W. DixonHusband (deceased)

Charlotte Lee and RonnieDaughter and husband

Marsha Nichols and LarryDaughter and husband

Linda BakerDaughter

Chuck Dixon and DonnaSon and wife

Nickey LeeGrandchild

Corey Lee and BreaGrandchild

Brandy Stevens and PatrickGrandchild

Nikki Williams and DavidGrandchild

Ryan NicholsGrandchild

Ali Kivian and MichaelGrandchild

Makynzie StevensGreat Grandchild

Mason StevensGreat Grandchild

Pepper LeeGreat Grandchild

Paige LeeGreat Grandchild

June LeeGreat Grandchild

Ellie LeeGreat Grandchild

Liam WilliamsGreat Grandchild

Breccan KivianGreat Grandchild

Harper Ruth WilliamsGreat Granddaughter

Baby Girl Lee who is on the wayGreat Granddaughter

Mrs. Dixon is also survived by a special friend, Peggy Latin.


Nickey Lee

Corey Lee

Ryan Nichols

Michael Kivian

Darryl O'Neal

Paul Lee

Larry Nichols

Patrick Stevens

Ronnie LeeHonorary Pallbearer

David WilliamsHonorary Pallbearer


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