Rene Bohler ChildreeDaughter

Ellen Bohler Anderson (AJ)Daughter

Matt BohlerSon

Tim Bohler (Christy)Son

Jonathan David ChildreeGrandchild

Jeanna Lorraine ChildreeGrandchild

Preston Lanier BohlerGrandchild

Lee Roy and Evelyn Lorraine Waters ParkerParents (deceased)

Dr. Charles Emory BohlerHusband (deceased)

James David ChildreeSon-in-law (deceased)

Kenneth Roy ParkerBrother (deceased)

Mrs. Bohler is also survived by many in-laws, nieces, and nephews.


Garrett AlfordActive Pallbearer

Judson AlfordActive Pallbearer

Mitchell BohlerActive Pallbearer

Sam BoothActive Pallbearer

Gordon HunterActive Pallbearer

John MillicanActive Pallbearer


The Charles Emory Bohler Scholarship

Brooklet United Methodist Church201 N. Parker Avenue, Brooklet, Georgia 30415

The Lodge at Bethany77 Bethany Way, Statesboro, Georgia 30458

Ogeechee Area HospiceP.O. Box 531, Statesboro, Georgia 30459

The American Cancer Society515 Denmark Street, Statesboro, Georgia 30458


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