Donna DoucetteMother

David MarshallStepfather

Basi Paul Sr.Father

John Robert Doucette (Fran)Brother

Thomas Jay PaulBrother

Tiffany Battiste (John Denny)Sister

Khrishna Paul (Jeff)Sister

Emma SemandeSister

Sarah Jane DoucetteSister In Infancy (deceased)

Mildred Poulette and Serge PaulGodparents

Sarah GoogooGodchild

Acha and JDNephews

Joslyn .Niece

Mike L.Good Friend

John Doucette; Stephen, WilfredUncles

Alllister and AlfredUncles

Mildred, Elizabeth, Gloria, BridgetAunts

Karen and Mike DoucetteFoster Parents

Alexina; Leah; Maurice; Misel, PasamayFoster Siblings

Peter; Rita; Keora; Donald; KristyFoster Siblings

Martha DoucetteMaternal Grandmother (deceased)

Sarah WoodGreat Grandmother (deceased)

Margaret and Roderick MarshallPaternal Grandparents (deceased)

Basil is also survived by numerous nieces and nephews.


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