Jayden Thiessen

Byron Thiessen

Tamara Nichvolodoff

Carissa Boynton

Michael Thiessen

Mitch Thiessen

Micah Thiessen

Julia Rechel

Thalia Thiessen

Jesse Rechel


Margaret, our mother and grandmother, supported various charitable causes throughout her life. One specific cause was Putali's work with children. Putali is an amazing woman that worked for Ern & Vanj Thiessen during their time with MCC in Nepal. Margaret learned to know and love Putali as a teenager during her second visit to Nepal in 1988. Putali and her husband later founded Putali's Children's Home in Kathmandu. This house has become home to four families, including Putali's. In spite of all their hard work and generosity towards others, all four families are now at risk of losing their home due to circumstances beyond their control, including the earthquake of April 2015. Vanj is organizing the Top of the World Fundraiser to raise urgently needed funds to address this crisis. This coffee shop event will be held from 7 - 9 pm on Thanksgiving Sunday, October 13 at Emmanuel Mennonite Church on Clearbrook Road. Donations will also be gratefully accepted at the memorial service. If you are unable to attend either event, please send your donation to: Top of the World Fundraiser (Make cheques payable to Evangeline Thiessen) 32182 Astoria Crescent, Abbotsford, BC V2T 4P5

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