Denise Dodd (Mike)Daughter

Teresa Norton (Mike)Daughter

Linda WilkinsDaughter

Durrah (Dud) Watson (Renea)Son

Michael DoddGrandchild

Jennifer Camobell (Scott)Grandchild

Scott Wilkins (Jessica)Grandchild

Lauren Jacob (Paul)Grandchild

Grant WatsonGrandchild

Kaitlyn WatsonGrandchild

Landon Soms (April)Grandchild

Twelve Great grandchildreb and many nieces and nephews and a very special sister-in-law Imogene Sprayberry.


Grant WatsonActive

Durrah (Dud) WatsonActive

Landon SimsActive

Randy HeathActive

Curtis HeathActive

Cameron HeathActive

Michael DoddHonorary Pallbearer


St. Michaels and All Angels Episcapol Church1000 18th Street, Anniston, Alabama 36201

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