Jane C LedbetterWife

Rhonda McCarty (John)Daughter

John Thomas Ledbetter (Teresa)Son

Zoza Harman (Ron)Sister

Mary Heare (Garland)Sister

Joy Baumgarten(Norman)Sister

Sarah Gunter (Ronnie)Sister

Palmer Lewis Ledbetter (Gwen)Brother

Kevin McCarty (Rachael)Grandchild

Nicholas LedbetterGrandchild

Savannah LedbetterGrandchild

Katherine Grace LedbetterGrandchild

Robin McCartyGreat Grandchild

Norah McCartyGreat Grandchild

Silas McCartyGreat Grandchild

Micah McCartyGreat Grandchild

several nieces and nephews.


Deacons of Parker Memorial Baptist ChurchHonorary Pallbearer

Men's Sunday School of Parker Memorial Baptist ChurchHonorary Pallbearer

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