Lori (Jeremy) BlevinsDaughter

Belinda (Michael) WyerDaughter

Kay EarleyDaughter

Roy "Wayne" (Michelle) BateySon

Rodger KellySon

Brandy Ogle(Daniel), Nichole Kelly, Kayla Earley, and Kristin Pressley (Bradley)Granddaughters

Rodger Kelly Jr, Steven Gilliam (Kristen), Matthew Kelly, Anthony Batey, Jocob Kelly and Johnathan Austin (Linda)Grandsons

Kinslee Kelly, Rosalie Pressley and Hannah AustinGreat-Granddaughters

Nathan and Tyler Cain, Hunter and Andy Giilliam, Ayden Ortiz, Corbyn Kelly, Reid Kelly and Kaiden AustinGreat-Grandsons

Doris BiddleSister

Ray CastleberryBrother

Eddie Castleberry (Wanda)Brother

Jim Kelley (Amy)Brother-in-law

Several -Nieces and Nephews

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