Karl and Maria Baumann KohlerParents

Jerome B. RedmondHusband of 40 years

Michael K. RedmondSon

Karlheinz Kohler (Renate)Brother

LTC (Ret) Stephen A. Redmond (Cindy)Son

The Reverend Dr. Shirley M. RedmondDaughter

Brenda K. RedmondDaughter-in-law

Scott Redmond (Nikki)Grandchild

Blake Redmond (Michelle)Grandchild

Leah Redmond Chiocca (Joe)Grandchild

Mark RedmondGrandchild

Taylor RedmondGreat Grandchild

Jackson RedmondGreat Grandchild

Rex RedmondGreat Grandchild

Cecilia RedmondGreat Grandchild

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