Miguel SernaSon

Jorge SernaSon

Idaneisy RamosDaughter

Yurely SernaGrandchild

Gerardo SernaGrandchild

Noelia SernaGrandchild

Bella Marisol SernaGrandchild

Raul SernaBrother

Odilia SernaSister

Joaquin SernaBrother

Eleazar SernaBrother

Paulina SernaSister

Mr. Serna is preceded in death by his grandparents, Muricio Serna, Leonarda Cantu. Pedrito Ramirez and Ramona Alaniz and parents, Santiago Serna and Marth Ramirez Serna and wife, Noelia Serna


Raul Serna Pallbearer

Joaquin Serna Pallbearer

Eleazar Serna Pallbearer

Miguel Serna Pallbearer

Jorge SernaPallbearer

Josue SernaPallbearer

Eduardo RamosPallbearer

Eleobardo RamosPallbearer

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