Edgar LowerFather

Harriet (Bard) LowerMother

Constance (Nickel) LowerWife

Lisa GomezDaughter

Mel LowerSon

Lindsay Gomez (Jonathon Suggs)Grandchild

Nicole Gomez (Aubrianna Butler)Grandchild

Erica Gomez (Eric DeMuynck)Grandchild

Noah GomezGrandchild

Andrew GomezGrandchild

Caleb SuggsGreat-Grandchild

Maya SuggsGreat-Grandchild

Inara GomezGreat-Grandchild

Novalyn DeMuynckGreat-Grandchild

Ezlyn DeMuynckGreat-Grandchild

Mahkinlie ButlerGreat-Grandchild

Mahkenzie ButlerGreat-Grandchild

John LowerBrother

Edgar also leaves a host of nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, and wife, Constance

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