Kasmer StupcenskiFather

Viola (Kawecki) StupcenskiMother

Sheila (Jones) StupcenskiWife

Marsha HartliebDaughter

Werner HartliebSon-in-law

Barbara FeldsteinDaughter

Willy FeldsteinSon-in-law

Mark StupcenskiSon

Brenda StupcenskiDaughter-in-law

Sara FeldsteinGrandchild

Rachel FeldsteinGrandchild

Owen StupcenskiGrandchild

Kyle StupcenskiGrandchild

Diane (Walter) AndersonSister

Carol ParsellSister

David (Susan) JonesBrother-in-law

Dick RoyerBrother-in-law

Stanley StupcenskiBrother

Priscilla RoyerSister

Alan JonesBrother-in-law

David ParsellBrother-in-law

and many cherished extended family and friends!

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