Linda WebbWife

Steve WebbSon

Sean SmihSon

Julie Webb and husband, Greg TaylorDaughter

Staci GuyDaughter

Alayna and husband, Lance MizeDaughter

Daniel TaylorGrandchild

Andrew TaylorGrandchild

Devyn GuyGrandchild

Bryana GuyGrandchild

Jaxson MizeGrandchild

Roger and wife, Delores WebbBrother

Lester CrockettFather

Joyce Maxine WebbMother

Jana WebbFirst Spouse

Richard WebbSon

Kylie MizeGrandchild

and numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.


Devyn Guy

Lance Mize

Sean Smith

Andrew Taylor

Daniel Taylor

Greg Taylor

Steve Webb

George NewmanHonorary Pallbearer

Roger WalkerHonorary Pallbearer

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