Oscar F JanssonFather

Gloria B JanssonMother

Mary A JanssonWife

Suzanne Williams (Johnny)Daughter

Joanne Poston (Scott)Daughter

Lynne Abercrombie(Jason)Daughter

Allen Jansson, Jr. (Catherine)Son

Kyle Williams (Katie)Grandchild

Morgan Gibson(Brock)Grandchild

Taylor PostonGrandchild

Cameron WilliamsGrandchild

Olivia AbercrombieGrandchild

Dillon AbercrombieGrandchild

Maddox GibsonGreat Grandchild

David Jansson (Christine)Brother

Salley OlivetoSister-in-law

Josephine OlivetoMother-in-law

Mr. Jansson leaves several nieces, nephews, cousins and special friends to cherish his memories.

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