Anthonis Cornelis DeJongFather

Jacoba Maria Ruiter DeJongMother

Jacoba Elisabeth Ockhuisen DeJongWife

Harry DeJongSon

Johan DeJongSon

Catherine DeJong GentryDaughter

Charlene (Charli) DeJongDaughter

Moniac DeJong ValipourDaughter

Johan M DeJongGrandchild

Gabriella GentryGrandchild

Samuel GentryGrandchild

Pandora DeJongGreat Grandchild

Sigfried DeJongGreat Grandchild

Larry MedlinFriend

Steven GentryFather of Gabriella and Samuel Gentry


Worthy Goal Scholarship Fund of IFSEAc/o Stan Gibson Trustee, Greer, South Carolina 29652

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