Patsy McClard CrumptonWife

Pete CrumptonSon

Jason CrumptonSon

Kim CrumptonDaughter-in-law

Carissa CrumptonGrandchild

Caden CrumptonGrandchild

McKenzie CrumptonGrandchild

Donnie is also survived by his brothers Wayne Crumpton and Doyle Cain; sisters Shirley Garrett, Judy Chitwood, Joanne Sims, and Pam Murray.


Jeff Crumpton

Caden Crumpton

Johnny Sims

Josh Baldwin

Jaime Crumpton

Chris Murray

Royal Shell morning crewHonorary Pallbearer

Piney Junction McDonalds afternoon crewHonorary Pallbearer

Albert pike US Bank staffHonorary Pallbearer

NPMC family and friendsHonorary Pallbearer

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