Cecil Lloyd BellFather

Polly BellMother

Heather SmallegangeWife

Abigail BellDaughter

Martha and George DunaganSister & Brother-in-law

Marissa DunaganNiece

Frank SmallegangeFather-in-law

Fia SmallegangeMother-in-law

Alice Hennigar and her husband CraigSister-in-law

Corry SmallegangeSister-in-law

Donna Banting and her husband JimSister-in-law

Gerald Smallegange and his wife CorrieBrother-in-law

Skylar HennigarNiece

Bailey HennigarNiece

Emily SmallegangeNiece

Ryan SmallegangeNephew

Connor BantingNephew

Paige BantingNiece

Madison BantingNiece

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