Allen and Bernice CurrieParents

Charlotte ChandlerSister

Judy CurrieSister

Nelda CurrieBeloved Wife

Susan and Carl ReinkeDaughter and Husband

Jeff CurrieSon

Ed and Janet DavesStep-son and Wife

Terri and Jeff WellsStep-daughter and Husband

Chris and Lindsay ReinkeGrandchild and husband

Lindsey and John HuntGrandchild and husband

Jeffey and Lindsay WellsGrandchild and wife

Kristin and David ZamarripaGrandchild and husband

Clark and Nadalee DavesGrandchild and wife

Kent and Michelle DavesGrandchild and wife

Kaleb, Jayde, Josh, and Corena HuntGreat Grandchildren

Lynlee ReinkeGreat-grandchild

Kolbie, Halston, Palmer, Perry, and Perry DavesGreat Grandchildren

Sarah and Hannah WellsGreat Grandchildren

Tripp, Hayden, Ellison ZamarripaGreat Grandchildren

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