Elo PavlicekHusband

Melvin PavlicekSon

Ann PavlicekDaughter-in-law

Sherri ConradDaughter

Keith ConradSon-in-law

Elaine RisterDaughter

Randy RisterSon-in-law

Darlene HillDaughter

Jeff HillSon-in-law

Thomas VinklarekBrother

Vencil VinklarekBrother

Louis VinklarekBrother

Henry VinklarekBrother

Julius VinklarekBrother

Hattie MarburgerSister

Evelyn HajdikSister

Lexie is also survived by five grandchildren Lindsey (Brosch) Harris, Melanie (Pavlicek) Huf, Elizabeth Pavlicek, Blaine RIster and Brad Rister. and four great-grandchildren.


Michael JanecekActive

Donald WagnerActive

Blaine RisterActive

Brad RisterActive

Ralph HarrisActive

Alan HufActive

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