Michelangelo PaventiFather

Serafina (Cefaratti) PaventiMother

Michelina (DiMicco) PaventiWife

Michael PaventiSon

Teresa (Terri) PaventiDaughter

Joseph and Melissa D'AleoGrandson

Nicolas and Noel PaventiGrandson

Christopher PaventiGrandson

Stacy and Stephen ManaGranddaughter

Deven D'AleoGreat Grandchild

Alyssa (D'Aleo) and Jordan KnightGreat Grandchild

Hailey D'AleoGreat Grandchild

Rylee D'AleoGreat Grandchild

Max D'AleoGreat Grandchild

Millie PaventiGreat Grandchild

Boston Michael PaventiGreat Grandchild

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