Miriam Landry DuboisLoving wife of 58 years

Kenny Dubois, Jr. & Virginia (Virginia)Son

Todd DuboisSon

Angie D. Schaubert & Sidney (Sidney)Daughter

Justin Schaubert & Kacie (Kacie)Grandchild

Quincy SchaubertGrandchild

Austin SchaubertGreat Grandchild

Reese SchaubertGreat Grandchild

Thomas SchaubertGreat Grandchild

Donald Dubois & Lucy (Lucy)Brother

Lenny Dubois & Julie (Julie)Brother

Ferdie Dubois & Gail (Gail)Brother

Greg Dubois & Vickie (Vickie)Brother

Fernand and Gertrude Landry DuboisParents

Zeb SchaubertGrandchild

Dean DuboisBrother

Marsha ChambersSister

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