Anita McCracken StewartWife

Jeff (Julie) StewartSon

Tracey (Chuck) BarnesDaughter

Katie McGuireDaughter

Janie DilksSister

Judy (Bill) BraySister

Fred (Marilyn) TaleghanifardBrother

Makayla McGuireGrandchild

Keylee McGuireGrandchild

Kiersten StewartGrandchild

Dakelin StewartGrandchild

Hannah BarnesGrandchild

Abbigal BarnesGrandchild

Camden BarnesGrandchild

Karin StewartSister-in-law

Vivian RichardsonMother-in-law

Carlene (Charles) AtkinsonSister-in-law

Jan (Mike) GriffinSister-in-law

Beverly KirkSister-in-law

Ricky (Jeannie) BarrettFriend

Dewy Carlton StewartFather

Martha Naomi StewartMother

Wayne StewartBrother

Michael Stewart leaves behind many nieces, nephews, and cousins to cherish his memory.


Ricky DilksHonorary

Billy BrayHonorary

Chris BrayHonorary

Greg BrayHonorary

Ronnie StewartHonorary

Teddy StewartHonorary

Becky ForeHonorary

Jennifer AllenHonorary

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