Paul E. HaycookHusband

David Haycook (Rose)Son

Tara Hartley (Lief)Grandchild

Cathy HaycookGrandchild

Michael Ray (Angie)Grandchild

Angie Patrick (Shane)Grandchild

Briana Brachler (Nick)Great-grandchild

Brooklyn Wright (Nathan)Great-grandchild

Christina Sisak (Kevin)Great-grandchild

Kristin BurtonGreat-grandchild

Victoria HowardGreat-grandchild

Emily GibsonGreat-grandchild

David RayGreat-grandchild

Hudson and KennedyGreat-great grandchildren

Hunter and HaydenGreat-great grandchildren

Denali and AdalineGreat-great grandchildren

Leo and ColtenGreat-great grandchildren on the way

Bil ComptonBrother

manynieces and nephews

Donna MasseySister

Juanita KegleySister

Neva ParkerSister

Bob ComptonBrother

Daisyher beloved dog

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