Monica KoopMother

Clayton KoopFather

Barney and GingerFur Brother & Sister

Paul KubeckaMaternal Grandfather

Sandra KubeckaMaternal Grandmother

Larry KoopPaternal Grandfather

Connie KoopPaternal Grandmother

Ryan KoopUncle

Miranda KubeckaAunt

Andrew and Kristyn KubeckaUncle and Aunt

D.W. Billy TateGreat-Grandpa

Marjorie TateGreat-Grandmother

Delores and Mickey Van DykeGreat-Grandparents

Donnie and Shirley KubeckaGreat-Grandparents

Dorothy KoopGreat-Grandmother

Ewald KoopGreat-Grandfather

Mattie and Gene MillerGreat-Grandparents

There are numerous cousins, great aunts, and great uncles that are left behind to cherish the joy and hope Granger brought to us for his short time here on this side of heaven.

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