Avis de décès

Eric W. Spurrell

18 décembre 192513 mai 2011
Nécrologie de Eric W. Spurrell
Spurrell Eric Walter, age 85, was born in Badger's Quay, Newfoundland. Mr. Spurrell is survived by his wife Sharon; two daughters, Lee Ann Motley and Susan Spurrell; grandson Carson Motley and granddaughter Lauren Motley; son-in-law Mark Motley; brother Cyril Spurrell (Newfoundland). He was preceded in death by his son Eric Jr. He was educated at Memorial University in St. John's Newfoundland, in Pre-Engineering and obtained his Professional Degree in Electrical Engineering from The Technical University of Nova Scotia in Halifax. He was registered as a Professional Engineer in Colorado, Arizona and Quebec, Canada. Mr. Spurrell was associated with Montreal Engineering Ltd., Engineering Consultants (Denver, CO), Bechtel Corporation (San Francisco, CA), Stearns Rodgers (Denver, CO), and Stone and Webster Engineering (Boston, MA). His experience was in project electrical engineering, feasibility studies, fault study analysis, and relay settings. All related to the start up of hydro-electric, thermal, nuclear, industrial and natural gas power plants. Mr. Spurrell was a member for many years of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. His varied experience took him to many foreign countries including Assam, India (Umtru Hydro-Electric Project); Kremasta, Greece (Kremasta Hydro-Electric Project); Ceylon (Uda Walawe); East Pakistan (Brahmaputra River Project); and Istanbul, Turkey (Etibank). Also, he was involved in the start up of several power plants around the United States including Hawaii, Alaska, Texas, Nevada, California, Colorado, New York, and Virginia. Mr. Spurrell was an avid fly fisherman and fished several rivers in Newfoundland and Labrador. After retirement at age 70, he and his wife cruised and traveled around the world. A Memorial service will be held at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2315 Parham Road, on Monday, May 16, at 11am. Burial will be at sea off the coast of Newfoundland.

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