He is survived by his beloved wife of 73 years, Petra R. Lopez; his children, Anna Cardenas (Robert), Robert Lopez, Jesse Lopez Jr. (Rosie), Maria Romo, and Joe Lopez (Erminia); his grandchildren, Robert Cardenas Jr., Stephanie Cardenas, Robert Lopez Jr., Dominique Lopez, Justin Lopez, Lisa Heredia, Jesse Lopez III, Aaron Lopez, Edmund Romo Jr., Jessica Romo, Melissa Romo, Marivel Simpson, Patricia Gonzalez and Laura Catano; 34 great-grandchildren and 9 great-great-grandchildren; his siblings, Hilaria De La Garza and David Lopez. He is preceded in death by his parents, Ernesto Lopez and Bernadina Garnica Lopez; his infant son, Anthony Lopez; and his siblings, Aurora “Lola” Lopez, Luis Lopez, Lupe Lopez, Adela Cantu, and Estefana Rendon.

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