Leticia Derby for 30 yearsWife

Mariah Ann DerbyDaughter

Joshua Micheal DerbySon

Kai Alijah DerbyGrandson

David and Marsha DerbyParents

Kenneth (Monica) DerbyBrother

Brian (Rebecca) DerbyBrother

Christopher (Tacey) DerbyBrother

Mr. Derby also leaves behind Niece's, Tiffany (Clint) Allen, Stephanie Faulkner, Jennifer , Jayci, Kylah; Nephews Jacob, Ashton; Aunt's/Uncle Linda (Bill) Fenoglio, Nancy Ulrich; Cousins Lori, Nolan Fenoglio, Brittany Ulrich Jeans; Extended family, the Jasso family, Jason Olivencia, Lillie Salazar, Richard Robles; Beloved pet's Nalah, Symba, Baymax and Kali.

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