Hello friends and family, Interment of the Ashes of Young Soon Clara Lee will occur on Friday, November 13th at 2 pm. Her ashes will be interred to columbarium "Third Fall" in the Garden of Resurrection, Station 9 at El Camino Memorial- Sorrento Valley. Please scroll down to "Services" to view the Tribute Video. The video of the funeral service will be available online for 90 days from October 23rd, 2020 (See one-room link at bottom). Unfortunately, the audio is currently not working for the video. While you can see what happens in the room, you cannot hear what was said during the service. Young Soon Clara Lee looked beautiful and serene. She held a rosary and was surrounded by flowers. Most of the service was a traditional Korean Catholic Absolution of the Dead. There were some hymns and readings from the bible as well. Father read a Korean translation of the obituary that is on the website. He did several prayers and blessed my mom’s passing onto God. Father Kim did a very good job. Thank you to everyone. Not many people could attend in person due to Coronavirus. I’m sorry there is no audio on the recording. However, I think my mom had a very good funeral. I think if she was watching us, she would have been proud. The First Reading (delivered by daughter Sandra) and the Family Greetings(delivered by daughter Maggie) are included in the text below. First Reading (Job19,1.23-27): 1. Then Job answered and said: 23. Oh, would that my words were written down! Would that they were inscribed in a record: 24. That with an iron chisel and with lead they were cut in the rock forever! 25. As for me, I know that my vindicator lives, and that he will at last stand forth upon the dust. 26. This will happen when my skin has been stripped off, and from my flesh I will see God: 27. I will see for myself, my own eyes, not another’s, will behold him: my inmost being is consumed with longing. Family Greetings: “Thank you coming here and online to say goodbye to Young Soon Clara Lee. My mom had 2 daughters. I am her youngest daughter Maggie and my older sister is named Sandra. We are both married and have children. My mom experienced much joy from her grandkids, Cooper, Zoe, and Jyoti. She will be greatly missed by our whole family. My mom was born in Korea, then moved to Canada as a young lady, then America. She met my father, Han No Simon Lee, in Canada and they shared a happy life together. When my father became sick many years ago, my mom took care of him. It was a very difficult job yet she never complained. It’s not the only time she helped people. It was her way. She worked hard her entire life, making many sacrifices along the way for her family members and friends. Thank you Mom for everything. Last November, Mom told me that she knew she had lived a good life. She was preparing for another cancer surgery and said she was ready for whatever God decided. She had liver cancer for so many years and had undergone so many procedures, that she thought about death a lot. I said I wish she would focus on being happy today. So, we moved on and had a good day. My mom Clara liked to talk and tell old stories. She liked to read new stories. She loved her children, her husband, and her relatives, many of whom are in Canada. She enjoyed her friends and church and they provided great companionship. She was independent and reliable. Even when times were tough, she soldiered on. She was unique and never afraid to speak her mind. She brightened our lives and lived a full life of her own. “ We encourage livestream viewing of the service which will be accessible starting October 23rd from the computer link below. Service content will also be viewable online for 90 days after the conclusion of services. https://admin.oneroomstreaming.com/email/view/13c6fccc77

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