Doug CampbellHusband

Vicky Green and DavidDaughter and husband

Dana Taravella and JoeDaughter and husband

Delores ThomasMother

Charlie Young and DorothyFather and wife

Sheila Carpenter and TommySister and husband

Jodie Perry, Marshall Perry, Barrett Green and Joe Taravella IV (Ashley)Grandchildren

Jaigen CampbellStep-granddaughter

Bailey and Joey TaravellaGreat-grandchildren

Elias ThomasStep-father

Mike YoungHalf-brother

Chanel LaneyNiece

Mrs. Campbell is also survived by 3 half-siblings, 2 step-children, a host of nieces and nephews, special relatives of the Chesser Family, best friend Barbara Winkler, and her fur babies.

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