Elizabeth & Ike PaulLegal Guardians

Nakia “Helen” PaulBrother

Travis PaulBrother

Mike GaudetBrother

Maxine GaudetSister

Frank Brooks & Valorie BrooksGodson

Mythias ChristmasGodson

Debbie MacKay“mum mum”

Jenai, Sonny, Carlee & Jordee“nanny’s babies”

Beverly Paul & Ray Allen SacobieParents

Kenny SacobieBrother

Viola & John W. PaulGrandparents

Raylene also leaves Amanda Christmas, Karina Matthews, Malori Paul and Leigha Christmas who grew up with her and were like sisters, and a large number of Aunts, Uncles, Nieces, Nephews, Cousins and friends.

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