Robert "Robbie" Glen Cosby, Jr. and Jessica Nicole "Nikki" CosbySon an dhis wife

Michael J. Cosby and Brittney CosbySon and Wife

Pam and husband Dink PerrySister

Glen Edward & wife Jeanie DavisBrother

Three Special AngelsAngels

Allie Elizabeth and Abigail Ann CosbyGranddaughters

Michael Eli CosbyGrandson

As well as special nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.


JOEY BRANHAMActive Pallbearer

DALE BROGANActive Pallbearer

DENNIS BUCHANANActive Pallbearer

JIM ROWLANDActive Pallbearer

ROBERT HURSTActive Pallbearer

CLARK NUNNActive Pallbearer

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