Ernest AtchisonHusband

Karen ShullDaughter

Darrell Shull and wife SueSon

Randy Shull and wife JoannaSon

Shannon BellardGrandchild

Amanda AcostaGrandchild

Haley BellardGrandchild

Justin ShullGrandchild

Michelle JonesGrandchild

Brandy EmighGrandchild

Randall ShullGrandchild

Isaac and Violet AcostaGreat Grandchild

Claire BellardGreat Grandchild

Bryce, Victoria and Joshua JonesGreat Grandchild

Michael, Hanna, Mayah, Karlie, and Brock EmighGreat Grandchild

Eric ShullGreat Grandchild

Everett Shullfirst husband

Lacy BellardGranddaughter

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