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‘Hank’ Ingram and Margaret Bellinger IngramParents (deceased)

Daniel IngramOldest Son (deceased)

Henry Ingram and Howard IngramBrothers

Margaret Anne WatkinsSister (deceased)

Dorothy IngramWife of 69 Years and 97 Days

Tim Ingram (Hope), Cynthia Dunn, Scott Ingram (Monica), and Christy Eason (Les)Children

Justin Ingram, Jade Davis, Jasmine Dunn, Timothy Ingram, Tyler Ingram, Matthew Dunn, Victoria Dunn, Joshua Ingram, Josi Krivsky, Jana Smigielski, Taylor Eason, Halleli Eason, Nikki Rogers, and Tristen EasonGrandchildren

TwelveGreat Grandchildren


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