Henry C Drummond, July 7, 1923 – July 24, 2017. A founding family member of St Patrick's Catholic Church, Dallas Texans Spurs Club booster, World Championship Tennis fan, ardent recreational tennis player, motorcyclist, oil industry shutterbug, garage shop tinkerer, and food enthusiast. HC was happiest and most content when he was with “family”. Preceded in death by his wife of 70yrs. and sweetheart of 78 yrs, Hope (r’nuckle) Sutton Drummond. Survived by his children Mike (Shadrack) of Dallas, Debi (Deber) Drummond of CO, and Julie (Rassel) Drummond-Tommaney of Allen, TX and 7 grandchildren, Catherine Hope (toot), Jenny Frances (sweet pea), Ian and Colin (the Wild Men), Kylie , Keaton n Kenzie (the Princesscesscesssss), 9 great-grandchildren Cameron, Julian, Sophie Hope, Sebastian, Evani, Ellis, Emma Hope, Emma Marie, and Henry Thomas; 4 nephews, Rik, Patrick, Chris, and Kip, 2 nieces, Dana Lee, Robyn Sue, and his brother Richard V (Bub) Drummond. His three youngest grandchildren affectionately called him “Da”, while to the others, he was “Grandhappy”. His brother, nieces, and nephews had other nicknames for him, but all knew that you could call him anything so long as you didn’t call all him late to dinner. His sister-in-law Genevieve Brightwell Drummond (96) passed away on Aug 11th. Memorial funeral services will be held at noon, Sat. Aug 26th at Calvary Hill Cemetery in Dallas.